
Babycare IloveIndia
Learning to breast-feed, placing the baby correctly for feeding and the different positions for breastfeeding the baby.

Breastfeeding Positions

When you are a new mother, there are a number of things that you have to learn and teach your baby. One of them is breastfeeding. Mother�s milk is the only food for the newborn till the first few months. Therefore, it is important that your child learns the right breastfeeding technique as early as possible, so that he/she doesn�t feel hungry after being fed, as some infants do. The mother may have to explore certain breastfeeding positions to determine the one that best suits the child. Below given are a number of positions for breastfeeding the baby.

Baby Positions For Breastfeeding

Traditional Position
Keep a few pillows on your lap; place the baby on them, so that he is on the same level as your breasts. Support his/her head with your forearm in such a way that the rest of his/her body is across your stomach. You can help by cupping his head in your hand (use your right hand for left breast and vice-versa).

Underarm Position
Arrange a few cushions at your side and place the baby on it in such a way that his legs are pointing behind you. Hold your baby in such a way with your right hand that you cradle his/her head, while he/she feeds from your right breast. Women with Caesarean section use this position to avoid pressure on the scar. Twins can be breast-fed together using this position.

Lying Down
Lie on the bed with your head resting on a pillow and place the baby close to you. The bed will give them the support they need. With your free hand bring them to your breast and support them. Keep pillows behind your back to prevent a backache.

Find a position that is comfortable for both you and your baby, so that breast-feeding is easy.

Things to watch for while breastfeeding:
Sounds to watch for:
You should be able to feel: