
Babycare IloveIndia
Caring for your baby’s belly button require some precautions to be observed. Read on to know tips on how to care for the belly button of your infant.

Caring for Baby's Belly Button

Babies are just the perfect addition to your happy family. However, taking care of your little bundle of joy needs a whole lot of effort and a great level of awareness. New parents are often clueless and almost easily intimidated on how to attend to the personal, delicate, and little known body parts of their newborn. With little idea and loads of apprehensions, anxious parents often go to great lengths to make sure that their little ones get a hygienic upbringing. However, basic hygienic care may not be sufficient for your baby. What you really need to understand is that apart from the basic precautions of sterilizing your baby’s bottle and using anti-bacterial soaps and cleaners, there are some other important things that you need to take care of. Baby’s belly-button or navel care is one important aspect of your child care that should not be neglected. The navel is a delicate part of your child’s body and after birth; care should be taken to ensure that the umbilical stump dries and falls off naturally. Baby belly buttons are susceptible to infections and other complications like blood emission, discharge of white smelly fluid, among other things. Read on to know how to care for your baby’s belly button.

Caring Tips for Baby Belly Button
You baby’s belly button is something very special; it’s that one thing that connects the baby to you and serves as a source of nourishment, while the baby is still inside you. However once the cord is snipped after the baby’s birth, it is important to take care of the leftover part of the cord to protect it from infection and help it dry well.
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