
Babycare IloveIndia
Brushing your baby’s teeth regularly is important to maintain oral hygiene. Read on to find helpful tips on how to brush your baby’s teeth.

Brushing Baby’s Teeth

Proper oral care and hygiene starts from the very first time your baby begins to drink milk and you clean his/her gums with a damp cotton cloth to remove milk residues from the gums. It is very important to induce these habits in your babies as they will become used to them over time. When teeth erupts into the mouth, you should start cleaning the baby’s teeth twice in a day, because bacteria occurs in mouth naturally and tend to convert sugars in food into acid, which can attack the tooth enamel. Brushing the teeth from an early age is important as the primary baby teeth are responsible for making spaces for permanent teeth to grow afterwards and even your baby needs primary teeth for speaking correctly, chewing and biting. Choosing a soft bristle small brush with a long head and a small head is as important as it is to confirm the quality of the brush because if your baby bites on it, he/she may swallow some bristles too! Read on to know how to brush your baby’s teeth properly.

How To Brush Baby’s Teeth
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