Does your baby gag or puke every time you feed him? Read on to know about feeding problems in infant/babies and learn how to deal with them.
Baby Feeding Problems
If you are seriously bothered with your little one throwing up or gagging every time you feed him, reading this article will surely help. Feeding problems is very common among babies, although it might trigger panic button in mums at times. Choking while eating or refusing to eat are some of the characteristic plights of baby feeding woes. Feeding is the ultimate bonding experience for a mother and her child. So, every time your baby refuses to be nursed or eat, or puke and poop after meals, it is likely for you to curl your brows with worry. Feeding problems in babies can lead to gastro esophageal reflux, gastroenteritis or dehydration. Proper nutrition and suitable feeding techniques can allay your problems to a certain extent. Understanding what leads to feeding problems can help to ease out your stress and take an action. Here are some common feeding problems and ways to deal with them.
Feeding Problems In Babies
Spitting Up
Most mothers are often troubled with their babies spitting up every time they are fed or nursed. This is one common problem with babies since they cannot sit straight during and after feeds. As the sphincter that separates the esophagus and stomach is still immature, it becomes difficult for the babies to keep their food in place and thus it runs up the mouth or nose each time after they are fed. It generally worsens if a baby eats too fast or sucks in wind. However, this problem is likely to fade away by the seventh month.
How To Deal
You can cut down spitting up of food by feeding your baby before he/she is extremely hungry, making him sit upright after every feed, burping him for three to four times, and checking the flow of your feeding bottle. Spitting up can sometimes lead to gastro esophageal reflux that might need medical help.
Throwing Up
Your baby may often throw up after eating, which isn�t a very normal sign. Vomiting after feeding can be the outcome of acute viral gastroenteritis, infections, ear or even urinary tract infections. Forceful throwing up of food can also be the result of blockage of the stomach outlet. Vomiting after feeding should not be treated very lightly, since it can be indicative of serious health disorders in your baby like meningitis, intestinal blockage, and even appendicitis.
How To Deal
A baby suffering from gastroenteritis might throw up very frequently after feeds. The best way to deal with it is to keep him/her on fluids, so that he doesn�t get dehydrated. It is helpful to give him smaller amounts more frequently than larger amounts given at once. If your child has abdominal pain, is unable swallow and keep fluids, has high fever, is lethargic or acting extremely ill, vomits for more than 12 hours, vomits blood or green material (bile), or is unable to urinate, he/she should be immediately rushed to the doctor without any delay.
Overfeeding is another common feeding problem among babies. Most parents tend to feed their babies every time they cry, or give them a bottle to distract them even if they aren�t hungry. Overfeeding can lead to spitting up and diarrhea and can also lead to obesity in the longer run.
How To Deal
Do not try to feed your child every time he/she cries. At times, you can use food to distract his/her mind.
Some babies fuss a lot while feeding. Result? Underfed babies. Some babies tend to fidget while eating or have difficulty in swallowing or sucking. Improper feeding techniques or poorly prepared formula milk that has lumps can cause the baby to spit up. Also, abusive parents may sometimes deliberately withhold food from their little ones leading to hungry, underdeveloped babies.
How To Deal
It is important to know which formula milk to pick and how to prepare it as per your child�s convenience. If your baby is undernourished and underweight, medical intervention might be required to resolve this problem. So far abusive parents are concerned; child protective services should be immediately notified.
No To Fluids
Dehydration is one of the most serious complications that might occur as a result of poor intake of fluids or breast milk in babies. A dehydrated child can show symptoms of dry mouth, less active and playful, sleepy and lethargic, cry without tears, less urination. Severe dehydration can cause the concentration of salt in the blood to drop or rise significantly, and at times, lead to seizure and cerebral hemorrhage.
How To Deal
Dehydration can be successfully dealt with by feeding your baby on fluids and electrolytes, such as sodium and chloride. If the condition is severe, intravenous fluids may be needed.
Always Hungry
Your little one may always appear hungry, no matter how frequently fed. If your baby appears to be hungry despite of frequent feedings, he may have difficulty latching on properly. It could be also be the result of insufficient milk production or even a sore mouth.
How To Deal
Learn how to breast feed properly. You can talk to your doctor if your child has problems latching on. Frequent feedings, pumping and even drinking enough fluids may help in increasing milk supply. Also, look for small white patches or sores in and around your baby�s mouth. Consult a doctor incase your child has a sore mouth.
Sleeping Soon After Meals
It is normal for your baby to fall asleep soon after feeds. Also if your baby fails to latch on properly while feeding, he/she might fall asleep.
How To Deal
You can check out with your doctor to make sure there are no other severe complications involved. However, if your baby is unable to latch on properly, you can release the suction and reposition your child again.
Passing Motion
Does your child pass every time after he is fed? This can be the result of lactose intolerance or some other allergy.
How To Deal
It�s better to seek advice from a doctor in case your baby is suffering from allergies. Babies suffering from lactose intolerance can benefit by switching over to soy formula milk.